Kim Haddleton

I'm taking part in the Variety WA Bash to help kids in need

I'm participating in the 2024 Variety WA Bash to raise money for kids of WA who are sick, experiencing disadvantage or living with disability - this is for them, their families and communities.

The Bash is an explosion of fun, a 'carnival on wheels' organised by Variety - the Children's Charity WA.

During the Bash, we will visit local schools and organisations to see the direct impact of grants and support provided by Variety WA, all made possible through your generosity.

By participating in the Bash, I want to make as much impact as possible, so I need your help to smash my fundraising target!

Help the kids of WA who need it most by making a tax-deductible donation or sponsoring us today!

On behalf of them, thank you!

My Achievements

Goal! Ten donations received for kids in need!

$500 will supply an iPad for a non-verbal child

$1,000 will supply a specialised trampoline for children with sensory needs

$3,000 buys a portable scooter for a child with limited mobility

Oh wow $10,000 for kids in need. You are champs!!

Over $30,000!!!! An incredible achievement! Your hard work, dedication and generosity will positively impact countless kids of WA!

My Updates

Variety WA Big Bash Car

Hi All
Only three weeks to go until we head off on the Variety WA Bash.
The Car is pretty much ready to go apart from a few minor (Important) adjustments like mounting the drink holders and getting a playlist together for when we are out off mobile range.
I would like to reach my personal goal of $1000 raised before the start ofthe event on the 6th Sep 24.
If you would care to donate to this worthy cause please go to my page link.
Thank you

Variety WA Big Bash

Well we are getting closer to the start line for the Big Bash 24.
Our car has been for inspection and apart from a couple of minor issues is ready to take on the trek through the Kimberley.
Rob and i spent some time this weekend fixing the issues and doing some cosmetic work on the car.
Looking forward to getting to the start line.
If you would like to donate to a worthy cause ,please follow my link.


Variety WA Big Bash Car

Hi all
Have look at the car we will be driving on the Big Bash.
Took it out today for a run from Fremantle to The Crazy Crab (Dawesville) with some other Bashers.
Some got lost on the way, don't know how there going to make it when we're in the Kimberley's
Still a work in progress but Rob has been working hard to get it ready for September's Big Bash trek through the Kimberly region.
Were Starting at Halls Creek and finishing in Broome via the Bungle Bungles, Lake Argyle, El Questro, Mt Elizabeth, Mt Hart and a mystery location.
I will keep you all updated on the progress.
Thanks to those that have already donated.
If you would like to sponsor us please go to my Bash page and donate. 

Cheers all


Thank you to my Sponsors


Rob Sims

Good luck Kimbo


Florence Kellett


Ralph Roth

Good work


Kim Haddleton


Dave Hutchison


Chris Walker


Peter Olden


Jamie Galloway