Middle Aged Ninja Turtles

2024 Variety Bash

We're taking part in the Variety WA Bash to help kids in need

We're participating in the 2024 Variety WA Bash to raise money for kids of WA who are sick, experiencing disadvantage or living with disablility - this is for them, their families and communities.

By participating in the Bash, we want to make as much impact as possible so we need your help to smash our fundraising target!

Help the kids of WA who need it most by making a tax-deductible donation or sponsoring us today!

On behalf of them, thank you!

Thank you to our Sponsors


Nextra Forum West


Nextra Merredin


Lcs Bricklaying Specialists Pty Ltd - Luke & Caitlin Slob

Keep up the amazing work turtles! Have an awesome and safe Bash!


Sauvage Properties

Go get em Turtles xx


Ineos Raffle Proceeds


Joanne Thornton