40+ Years of Impact in WA

How Variety Helps Kids of WA

Our work allows kids to gain mobility, to get out and about in the community, to communicate, achieve independence and increase their self-esteem. We make sure the kids who miss out, can always join in, because all kids deserve a fair go.

How You Can Get Involved

Become a volunteer, host a fundraising event, recycle at your workplace or become a corporate partner… you can even donate your hair. However you choose to help, you are doing a truly wonderful thing for kids in need.

How You Can Help Create Impact

Gift In Will

Allow kids to gain access to the community, education and extra-curricular activities - providing hope, knowing someone cares.


From high profile cause-related marketing campaigns and event sponsorship to fundraising and team engagement opportunities

Donate Your Hair

Join Hair with Heart and donate your hair to Variety, and change a child’s life by giving the help that no one else is able to give.


Create your own awesome fundraising event, raise funds for your birthday, in memoriam and more!

All Kids Deserve a Fair Go

Variety – The Children’s Charity WA supports kids and families who are facing many challenges through sickness, disadvantage or living with disability.

Get In Touch

102 Burswood Road
Burswood, WA, 6100

08 9355 3655